
Any of you who have been following my blog will know how long I have been hanging to get my Iphone 4s..
Well as you would have seen, I have recently got it! Yay!

When I was looking at things to get done at the start of 2012 and was ordering new business cards,
I decided it was time to get all my branding up to date! And my new Iphone was going to need a cover, right?

So when I ordered my new business cards I also ordered a
customised cover for my Iphone, Ipad and one more thing that hasnt arrived yet!

Check them out…

Business cards were ordered from Zazzle

My Iphone cover was ordered from covercreate
You could make your own too.. Check out how easy they are to make, your family photo or wedding picture maybe??!!

The Ipad cover was also ordered from Zazzle

Dont forget about the great competition I am running at the moment..
Click here for your chance to win a Bridal Session and a Leather covered lay flat album with edited images from the session!